Cyber solutions that deliver immediate protection   to guarantee your company is  hacker free. 

To  assure confidence,  improve security and speed to market

Ethical hacking is a lawful and legitimate way to assess a target system’s weaknesses and vulnerabilities, with the goal of educating and protecting you. Instead of introducing risk, this approach mitigates the risks currently in practice within target systems. A real-world approach discovers how your system would perform if attacked by a malicious hacker, using the same tools and knowledge they might use. Approaches may include:

  • Penetration Testing: Simulate an actual cyber-attack testing vulnerabilities and exploiting the findings, which includes internal & external networks and provides access to zero-day exploits.
  • Wireless Network Audits: Identify and penetrate protected areas. Attempt to access sensitive data via online transactions. Identify weaknesses that would permit website defacement.
  • Website Security Assessments: Signal map your wireless networks and identify rogue access points/devices. Analyze security configurations. Test for vulnerabilities via wardriving, etc.
  • Social Engineering: Test security policies and employee adherence. Oversee and direct security priorities. Evaluate a customer’s current security team’s skills and effectiveness.

State of Cyber Attacks 2018

A big Overview about Cyber crime  

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More about  Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing

Cyber Security Webinar - Shift Left: How to Get Cyber Security Right

Our cyber webinar will also cover shift-left SDLC, future threats, and authentication.

Campaign Post Webinar Feature Cyber-969262-edited

In this webinar, you can expect to learn about:

  • Secure SDLC Integration   - Shift Left (Proactive, not Reactive): Work with Development teams to integrate security early in the dev cycle. Reduce re-work costs. Improve security and time to market. Reduce risk.
  • Threat Intelligence Development   -   Evaluate threats on the horizon and ID threat patterns BEFORE they happen or are identified by a SOC’s classic SIEM tools.
  • Stronger Authentication  -   Strengthen authentication without increasing impact to convenience and usability.

case-300x292Case Study: QualiTest Tests Website Vulnerability for Entertainment Company

  QualiTest was asked to test the website for one of India’s biggest entertainment groups. We found 26 vulnerabilities in our first pass, and 16 in our second pass. All risks were identified and successfully fixed. Read on to find out more about what was found…    Read More

case-300x292blog-300x285Software Testing Blog: Social Engineering: It Takes a Thief

Social engineering takes advantage of revealing a company’s cyber security risks, where the initial entry vector relies on human psychology, not high-tech hacking you might find on an OWASP vulnerability list.  Let’s discuss some social engineering penetration techniques by putting you in the mindset of a perpetrator...     Read More

Other Cyber Risks

Mobile apps and medical devices serve useful purposes and manage personal information, but do they also risk access to your data?

Don’t make compromises in security when you take mobile apps or medical devices to market quickly. Innovation and control can go hand in hand with both safe and successful user experiences.  Learn    more  on   Mobile / Medical Device Application Security Testing

Top 10 Cyber Threats to Connected Devices

IoT may present lots of benefits to the contemporary lifestyle due to its usability and accessibility, but it also has a huge drawback i.e. security threat. Learn    more  on   Mobile / Medical Device Application Security Testing